**NOTE: For today's wedding (2/28/21), we are attempting to live stream from a remote location with little to no internet.
Please enjoy the full HD recording of the live stream which will be posted here by 9pm PST on their wedding day!
Live Stream Schedule:
Other Time Zones:
14:00 PST - Los Angeles
22:00 GMT - UK
23:00 CET - France, Germany, Belgium
0:00 IST (Mar 1) - Israel
5:00 ICT, HKT (Mar 1) - Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong
6:00 CST (Mar 1) - Taiwan
7:00 JST, KST (Mar 1) - Japan, Korea
11:00 NZDT (Mar 1) - New Zealand
婚禮直播時間:台灣時間 3月1日 星期一 上午 6:00
Livestream Schedule 婚禮流程:
Prelude 序樂及入席
Processional 入場
Welcome 光臨及致詞
Worship 詩歌敬拜
Musician: Heidi Mills-Ezekiel
Song: Goodness of God
Pastoral Exhortation 祝福與勉勵
Vows & Exchange Of Rings 交換誓約與信物
Husband’s Prayer 丈夫的家庭祝禱
Bride & Groom’s Communion 新人領取聖餐
Pronouncement Of Marriage / Blessings 證婚
Recessional 新人退場
Bride + Groom’s First Dance 新人獻舞
Toasts + Performances 伴娘 & 伴郎祝酒與表演

**NOTE: For today's wedding (2/28/21), we are attempting to live stream from a remote location with little to no internet.
Please enjoy the full HD recording of the live stream which will be posted here by the 9pm PST on their wedding day!!!
Thank you for joining us on our special day! Enjoy your front row seats!
- HELP Tip #1: If you have any issues playing the stream, REFRESH your browser and make sure your internet connection is stable and high speed.
- HELP Tip #2: If you miss the Live Stream or if you are having connection issues, the recording of the live stream will be re-posted here shortly after the Ceremony ends!
- HELP Tip #3: Click on the Live Stream FAQ button above for more!
- Tip #1:如果線上直播出問題,請重新開啟連結,並檢查您的網路連線的速度與穩定度。
- Tip #2:若您無法如期赴約參加我們的婚禮線上直播,或因網路連線問題,請不用擔心!我們會全程錄影,在婚禮結束之後,將會把直播影片保留,讓您可以另找時間觀賞。
- Tip #3:若還有其他問題,請點選右上方 「Live Stream FAQ」(線上直播問答) 提供給您更多資訊。